Welcome on our website!

Cabrio Serwis is first company in Poland that specializes exclusively in repair of roof automation in convertible cars.

Please read how it started:

My name is Hubert. I started my adventure with cabrios in 2006. It started innocently ...
from the BMW e30 ride. A year later I already had my BMW e36, of course in the version without roof . I also registered on the forum of cabriolet lovers www.cabrio-club.pl. This is how my adventure began with solving problems with roofs and helping other convertibles users. Over the last ten years, I have already helped many people to bring their convertibles to a state of full functionality. Currently, I am the moderator of the section on the subject of opening roofs on the mentioned website. My nickname is skoh85, I encourage you to read the opinions about me.

I offer my services in the field of maintenance, removing all kinds of mechanical and electrical faults, replacing rear windows and repairing headliners. I have a lot of knowledge about folding roofs supported by experience gained over the last decade and a doctorate in the field of mechatronics. Thank you for visiting my website and I wish you many sunny days with open top. :)